
Announcement of increase of the share capital of the Company through capitalisation of reserves and increase of the nominal value of each share, common and preference from €2.50 to €3.45

TITAN CEMENT COMPANY S.A. announces that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which was held on June 1, 2018, decided the increase of the share capital of the Company by an amount of €80,400,901.60 through capitalisation of reserves and increase of the nominal value of each share (common and preference) by €0.95, namely from €2.50 to €3.45.

As a result of the above increase, the share capital of the Company will amount to €291,982,221.60, divided into 84,632,528 shares of a nominal value of €3.45 each, 77,063,568 shares of which will be common shares and 7,568,960 shares will be preference shares without voting rights.

The Ministry of Economy and Development approved the amendment of article 5 of the Company’s Charter of Association by decision No. 1195161 20/6/2018.

The Corporate Actions Committee of the Athens Stock Exchange was informed about the above increase of the nominal value of the Company shares through capitalisation of reserves at its meeting on June 28, 2018.  
Following   the above, the shares of the Company will be traded on the Athens Exchange, starting on July 2, 2018, with the new nominal value of three euros and forty-five cents (€3.45) per share.

As of the same date, the opening price of the Company shares on the Athens Stock Exchange shall be formed in accordance with the Athens Stock Exchange Rulebook, in combination with decision no. 26, issued by the BoD of the Athens Stock Exchange, as it applies. 

For any additional information please contact TITAN’s Shareholder Services Department (Mrs N. Kalesi tel: +30 210 2591257).

June 28, 2018