
Termination of share buyback period

TITAN CEMENT COMPANY S.A. ( the Company) announces the termination on 8.6.2014 of the 24- month period, which was set pursuant to the decision of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated 8.6.2012 and the decision of the Board of Directors which was subsequently issued on 8.6.2012. During the aforesaid period, the Company was authorised to buy back, in accordance with article 16 of Law 2190/1920, its own shares not exceeding 10% of the Company’s paid up share capital, including any of the Company’s own shares which were previously acquired and held at that time. During this 24-month period the Company has not bought back any of its own shares. 

The total number of Company shares owned today by the Company amounts to 2,924,738 common shares and 5,919 preference shares, representing 3.46% of the Company share capital.
