
Resolution for the sale of treasury stock

ΤΙΤΑN CEMENT COMPANY S.A. ( the Company) announces that, pursuant to its Board of Directors resolution dated 24.6.2009 , it intends to sell,  between 25/6/2009 and 16/7/2009, 14.000 treasury common shares,  representing 0.017% of the Company’s paid up Share Capital, at a minimum sale price equal to the nominal price of each Company share, i.e. euro 4 per share. The sale of the said treasury common shares is mandated in view of the impending completion of the statutory three- year period commencing from the date they were acquired by the Company, as provided by Codified Law 2190/20 9( Article 16 para.5 et seq.) prior to its amendment by law 3604/1920.

The above announcement was notified to the Athens Exchange and was posted on its website.