
Announcement: Purchase of Own Shares

Titan Cement Company S.A. announces that the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 20.5.2008 decided the purchase of Company stock (ordinary and preference shares) in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 (1) of Codified Law 2190/1920. More specifically, the Meeting decided the buy back ,  directly or indirectly, of up to 10% of the paid-up Company Share Capital,  over the period from 20.5.2008 to 20.5.2010,  at a minimum purchase price of € 4 per share and a maximum purchase price of € 50 per share.

Implementing the above resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors of the Company decided at its meeting on 20.5.2008, the buy back, over the interim period from 26.5.2008 to 20.5.2009, directly or indirectly, of up to 10% of the paid-up Company Share Capital, at a minimum purchase price of € 4 per share and a maximum purchase price of € 50 per share.
The investor community should note however, that the implementation of the above share buy back program will depend on the relative attractiveness of alternative investment opportunities and availability of funds.

The above announcement was notified to the Athens Exchange, the HCMC and was also posted on the Athens Exchange website.