
Announcement: Share buy-back

In accordance with the relevant decision of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company’s Shareholders of 10th May 2007, the Company announces its intent to proceed to the acquisition in accordance with article 16(5) and following of codified law (KN) 2190/1920, and for the period from 23.5.2007 to 10.5.2008, of up to 10% of the total of its shares, ordinary and non-voting preference, i.e. up to a total of 16,897,040 shares, if deemed expedient, and with a maximum and minimum price as follows: 

Α. from 23.5.2007 until the date of entry to trade on the Athens Stock Exchange of the new gratis shares (one new for one old) to be issued pursuant to the General Meeting’s decision to increase (double) the Company’s share capital, with a maximum price of 50 Euros and minimum price the share’s nominal value, i.e. 2 Euros per share, and 

Β. from the date of entry to trade of the new gratis shares on the Athens Stock Exchange until 10.5.2008, with a maximum price of 30 Euros and a minimum price the share’s nominal value, i.e. 2 Euros per share.

The above announcement was notified to the Athens Exchange and was posted on its website.