
Decisions of the Separate General Meeting of Preferred Shareholders of 12th May 2017

The Separate General Meeting of Shareholders, which was held on 12.5.2017, in Athens, at the Divani Caravel Hotel, was lawfully attended by shareholders representing 5,702,307 preferred registered shares out of a total of 7,568,960 preferred registered shares and thus there was a 75.34% quorum of the paid-up preferred share capital of the Company, without counting 89,902 preferred shares owned by the Company. The General Meeting discussed and took decisions on the item of the agenda, as follows:

Approval of reduction of the share capital of the Company by the amount of  84,632,528 euros, with the purpose of capital return to the shareholders, through reduction of the nominal value of each share by one ( 1) euro , namely from nominal value of four (4) euros to nominal value of three (3) euros – Approval of the consequent amendment of Article 5 of the Articles of Association of the Company on Share Capital 

Τhe Separate General Meeting of Preferred Shareholders approved by 5,685,017 votes, i.e. by a majority of 99.70 % of the votes represented in the Separate General Meeting, the above reduction of the share capital of the Company and the relevant amendment of article 5 of the Company’s Articles of Association, which had been already approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated 12.5.2017.

Shareholders representing 17,290 votes abstained from the vote.