
Announcement regarding the payment of dividend and special reserves

Reg. Number SA. 6013/06/Β/86/90
Athens, 19th June 2015

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of TITAN Cement Company S.A., which was held on 19th June 2015, approved:

a.    the distribution of dividend from the profits of the financial year 2014 of a total amount of €12,694,879.20,  amounting to € 0.15 per share (ordinary or preference).  The final amount to be paid per share shall be increased respectively by the dividend corresponding to the treasury stock held by the Company, and will stand at € 0.15509 per share. This amount will be subject to a 10% withholding tax. Therefore, the Shareholders will receive a net amount of € 0.13958 per share.

b.    the distribution of special reserves from previous financial years, and more specifically of reserves from the profits of subsidiary maritime companies of a total amount of € 12,694,879.20, corresponding to  €0.15 per share (ordinary or preference). This amount will be increased by the relevant amount corresponding to treasury shares held by the Company and therefore, Shareholders will receive a net amount of € 0.15509 per share. Pursuant to the provisions of article 2 paragraph 1 of Law 27/1975 and of the Ministerial Circular (POL) no 1073/1992, the distribution of the aforesaid reserves is not subject to taxation.

Wednesday, 24th June 2015 will be the Cut-Off Date (i.e. the date from which the Company's shares will be traded on the Athens Stock Exchange without the right to receive the dividend and the distribution of special reserves).

Thursday, 25th June 2015 will be the Record Date (i.e. the date on which shareholders registered in the electronic registry of the Dematerialized Securities System of the Company will be entitled to the aforesaid distribution). 

Payment of the dividend and distribution of the special reserves will start on Wednesday, 1st July 2015 through the Paying Agent, ALPHA BANK, by one of the following methods:

1. To the Account Operators (Custodians and Securities firms) who manage the securities of Shareholders, provided that they have been authorised to receive such payments by the Shareholders. 

2 To the Shareholders themselves, through Alpha Bank’s branches, by presenting their ID, as well as their particulars in the Dematerialized Securities System, provided that they keep their shares with the Hellenic Exchanges S.A. or have not authorized their Account Operator to receive such payments on their behalf or have recalled such authorisation. Third parties may be also receive such payments on behalf of Shareholders, provided that they present, apart from the aforementioned documents, a certified authorization signed by the beneficiary Shareholder, whose signature must be verified by the Police or any other competent Authority.