
Document Providing Information Under Law 3401/2005 (article 4 par. 2.f.) Regarding the Trading of TITAN Shares After the Exercise by Senior TITAN GROUP Executives of Stock Option Rights

Titan Cement Company S.A, following announcement dated 9.12.2009,  hereby informs the public,  regarding  the implementation in 2009 of Stock Option Plans which have been approved by the General Meetings of Shareholders dated 8/6/2004 and 29.5.2007,  as follows:
  1. 59 senior Company and Group executives declared in writing their intention to exercise their stock option rights. 
  2. 29,344 new common registered Company shares, of a nominal value of € 4 each, were finally allocated.
  3. The exercise price was € 4 per share, equal to the nominal value of the each Company share.
  4. The payment of the total price for the purchase of the above shares was completed on 11.12.2009 and amounted to €  117,376.00.
  5. The increase of the Company share capital by €  117,376.00, corresponding to the nominal value of the new shares (29,344 shares x 4 Euro), was approved on 17.12.2009 by the Board of Directors of the Company. The full payment of such  share capital increase was verified by the Board of Directors on the same above date (17.12.2009). The Ministry of Development by announcements K2-13161 and K2-13161 (2)/23.12.2009 approved and registered the above capital increase together with the respective capital increase payment verification.
  6. Following the above share capital increase, the fully paid up share capital of the Company  amounts to € 338,304,472 divided into 84,576,118 shares of a nominal value of € 4 each, 77,007,158 of which are common shares and 7,568,960 are preference shares without voting rights.
  7. The Company will take all appropriate actions, according to the legislation in force, for the introduction of the new shares for trading at the Athens Exchange.
Responsible for compiling this informative material, and ensuring the accuracy of the information presented therein, are:
1. John Kollas, Group HR Director, Halkidos 22A. tel.: 210 2591461
2. Takis Canellopoulos, Investor Relations Officer, Halkidos 22A, tel.: 210 2591531
Interested parties can obtain this informative material from the Company’s offices at 22A Halkidos Street, 111 43 Athens, and in electronic form from our website (http://www.titan-cement.com).
For additional information , please contact Mrs. N. Kalesi at the Shareholders Service Department, tel.: 210 2591257, during working hours.

The above announcement was notified to the Athens Exchange and was posted on its website.