
Stock Option Plan

Titan Cement Company S.A. announces that according to the Stock Option Plans  for senior Company and Group executives, approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders  of 8 June 2004 and 29 May 2007, 68 beneficiaries are entitled to exercise, until 11-12-2009,  stock options for 40, 305 new common Company shares with exercise price equal to the Company’s share par value, which is 4 Euro per share.  14.295 of the above stock options had been granted in 2007, their vesting conditions were met in December 2009 and their exercise period expires in December 2010. 

The remaining 26.010 options had been granted in 2006 , their vesting conditions were met in December 2008 and unless exercised until 11.12.2009,  they will be forfeited. Depending on the number of stock options to be exercised by the beneficiaries, the Company Board of Directors at its meeting on 17.12.2009 shall increase the Company share capital pursuant to article 13(9) of Codified Law 2190/1920, issue new common registered shares and proceed to all actions for the listing of the new shares for trading in the Athens Exchange.

The above announcement was notified to the Athens Exchange and was posted on its website.