
Share Capital Increase – Issuance of New Shares


The Company's Board of Directors decided today (17.12.2007), pursuant to article 13 par.13 of codified law 2190/1920 as it is now in force, the increase of the Company's share capital by euro 94,740 and the issuance of 47,370 new common Company shares of a nominal value of euro 2 each, following the exercise by senior executives of the Company and of companies of Titan group of stock option rights granted to them on the basis of the Stock Option Plans that have been approved by resolutions dated 5.7.2000, 19.6.2002 and 8.6.2004 of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

It was also decided that the amount of the difference of euro 101,440 between the total amount of euro 196,180 paid by the executives for the exercise of their option rights and the total amount of the capital increase ( 47,370 shares x euro 2 = 94,740) will be recorded in the shares premium account of the Company.

In view of the above, the fully paid up share capital of the Company amounts to euro 169,065,148 and is divided into 84,532,574 shares of a nominal value of 2 euro each , of which 76,963,614 are common shares and 7,568,960 are preference shares without voting rights.