
Announcement: Negotiation of new shares due to exercise of stock options

It is announced that the negotiation of the Company’s 200,900 new, ordinary, registered shares with voting rights, which resulted from the increase in the share capital by Euro 401,800, due to the exercise, from 41 senior executives and Members of the Board who provide their services under employment, of stock option rights, at an exercise price of EURO 14.68, according to provisions of Law 2190/1920 and the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders decision dated 5.7.2000, as amended by the 19.6.2002 and 8.6.2004 decisions, will start in the Athens Stock Exchange on December 28, 2005. The amount of € 2.547.412,00 will be recorded in the shares premium account. The above mentioned increase, which does not constitute amendment of the Articles of Association, has been decided and certified by the Company’s Board of Directors on 15.12.2005, and recorded in the Register of Societes Anonymes with the K2-16064/16.12.2005 and K2-16064(2)/16.12.2005 Ministry of Development decisions and approved by the Athens Stock Exchange decision dated 20/12/2005. 
The new shares will be deposited in the investor and securities accounts in the Dematerialized Securities System (D.S.S.) on December 28, 2005. 
From the above mentioned date, the opening price of the shares in the Athens Stock Exchange will be formed according to the 35/24.11.2005 decision of the Board of Directors of the Athens Stock Exchange. 

The above announcement was notified to the Athens Exchange and was posted on its website.