
Correct repetition of a paragraph of section “Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development” in the Annual Report of the Board of Directors for the business year 2014

TITAN Cement Company S.A. announces the correct repetition of the 4th paragraph of section “Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development” in the Annual Report of the Board of Directors for the business year 2014, which provides data in relation to health and safety at work, as follows:

“ Health and safety remain top Group priorities. The five-year trend shows an improvement of 29% in LTIFR for own personnel relative to 2010. However, compared to 2013, LTIFR in 2014 increased to 1.65 LTIs per million man-hours .”

TITAN is an independent cement and building materials producer with over 100 years of industry experience. Based in Greece, the Group owns cement plants in nine countries and is organized in four geographic regions: Greece & Western Europe, the USA, Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. Throughout its history TITAN has aimed to combine operational excellence with respect for people, society and the environment.

In 2014 the Group sold 16 m tons of cement and cementitious materials 3.9m. m3 of ready mixed concrete, 14.2 m tones of aggregates and various other building materials like concrete blocks, dry mortars etc.

Detailed financial and other information is available on the Titan Group website: www.titan-cement.com

The above announcement was communicated to the ASE and the HCMC, and was also posted on the website of the Athens Stock Exchange
