
Financial Calendar 2008 of TITAN CEMENT S.A.

TITAN CEMENT CO. S.A. announces the Financial Callendar for 2008 according to article 292 para 2 of the Athens Exchange Rulebook.

  • Full Year 2007 financial results announcement and conference call
    Tuesday February 26, 2008
  • Annual presentation to the Association of Greek Institutional Investors
    Wednesday 23 April, 2008
  • 3 months 2008 financial results announcement and conference call
    Tuesday May 6, 2008
  • Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
    Tuesday May 20, 2008
  • Entitled to the dividend are company shareholders at the close of the stock exchange on 21/5/2008
  • Ex-dividend Date
    Thursday May 22, 2008
  • Dividend Payment
    The dividend payment will start on Friday May 30, 2008
  • 6 months 2008 financial results announcement and conference call
    Thursday July 31, 2008
  • 9 months 2008 financial results announcement and conference call
    Thursday October 23, 2008
  • Full Year 2008 financial results announcement and conference call
    Tuesday February 24, 2009
The financial results announcements will take place after the market close of the Athens Exchange the respective dates.

The above announcement was notified to the Athens Exchange and was posted on its website.