
Announcement: Invitation for Share Dematerialization

TITAN CEMENT COMPANY S.A. announces that pursuant to article 53 par. 2 of Law 3371/2005 and Decisions no. 1/380/4.5.2006 and 3/387/19.6.2006 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, those shareholders who have not still dematerialized their shares, are requested to deposit to the Company’s Central Offices, Halkidos 22A, Athens, until 31st October 2006 the latest, their depository documents for the purpose of dematerialization along with a copy of their account in the Dematerialized Securities System (D.S.S) which is necessary for the completion of the dematerialization process. Shareholders not having a D.S.S. account should contact any account operator, i.e. Stock Broker or Bank acting as a Custodian. The Company will be able to identify shareholders from the Company’s registry in case they are unable to present their depository documents. 

All shares that will have not been dematerialized by 31st October 2006, will be sold through the Athens Stock Exchange in accordance with the procedure provided by the above decision of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. Following the Company’s request, the Hellenic Capital Market Commission will appoint a member of the Athens Exchange to conduct the sale and will determine the commencement date of the sale procedure . The sale will be carried out pursuant to article 99A of the Athens Exchange Regulations and the net proceeds from the sale, after the deduction of all expenses and taxes, will be deposited on behalf of all beneficiaries with the Deposits and Loan Funds. 

After the completion of the sale of all shares, the Company will inform the beneficiary shareholders for the outcome of the sale, the sum that will have been deposited on their account and the procedure of collection of such amount. 
For any further information, the shareholders may contact the Company’s Shareholder Service Department (tel. 210 2591257) during working hours. 

The above announcement was notified to the Athens Exchange and was posted on its website.