
Announcement of the aggregate exchange acceptance and issue amount of new 200,000,000 EURO guaranteed notes issued due January 2017

Titan Global Finance PLC (TGF), a subsidiary of Titan Cement Company S.A., has announced today to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange the aggregate exchange acceptance and issue of new 200,000,000 Euro Notes guaranteed by Titan Cement Company S.A. bearing coupon 8.75% due January 2017.

The final acceptance amount of TGF’s  offer (the Exchange Offer) to the holders of its Euro 200,000,000 6.90% guaranteed notes due July 2013 (the Existing Notes) for new Euro- denominated 8.75%  guaranteed Notes due January 2017 (the New Notes) was  EUR 102,346,000. Furthermore, Additional New Notes of EUR 97,654,000 are to be issued to new investors for subscription for cash.   The New Notes and the New Additional Notes will be admitted for trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The Settlement date for the New Notes and the Additional New notes is expected to be 19.12.2012.

Titan will continue to pursue its strategy to diversify funding sources, reinforce liquidity and lengthen the average maturity profile of funding.

TITAN is an independent cement and building materials producer with 110 years of industry experience. Based in Greece, the Group owns cement plants in 9 countries and is organized in four geographic segments: Greece and Western Europe, U.S.A., Southeastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. Throughout its history TITAN has aimed to combine operational excellence with respect for people, society and the environment.

In 2011, the Group sold 15.3 m. tonnes of cement and cementitious materials, 3.7 m. m3 of ready mixed concrete, 10.9 m. tonnes of aggregates and various other building materials like concrete blocks, dry mortars etc.
Detailed financial and other information is available on the ΤΙΤΑΝ Group website: www.titan-cement.com

The above announcement was notified to the Athens Exchange, the H.C.M.C. and was also posted on the Athens Exchange website.
