Income Statement

(all amounts in € thousands)  2023 2022 2021 2020* 2019
Sales 2,546,974 2,282,207 1,714,623 1,607,033 1,609,778
Cost of sales -1,905,121 -1,889,522 -1,406,516 -1,297,763 -1,315,866
Gross profit 641,853  392,685  308,107 309,270 293,912
Other operating income / expenses 3,164 5,892 9,897 6,067 5,400
Administrative expenses -214,890 -188,319 -153,948 -143,046 -145,188
Selling and marketing expenses -41,686 -32,628 -28,113 -26,263 -26,956
Profit before impairment losses on goodwill, net finance costs and taxes 388,441  177,630 135,943 146,028 127,168
Impairement lossess on goodwill -0,111  -21,799  - -46,614  
Net finance costs -51,231 -20,511 -33,651 -65,677 -64,168
Share of gain/(loss) of associates and joint ventures 2,586 1,876 3,291 3,200 1,366
Profit before taxes 339,685  137,196 105,583 36,937  64,366
Income tax -67,039  -26,715 -16,379  -35,777  -11,211
Profit after taxes 272,646  110,481  89,204  1,160  53,155
Attributable to:          
Equity holders of the parent  268,689  109,655 91,923  1,126  50,905
Non-controlling interests 3,957  -826 -368  34  2,250
Basic earnings per share (in €) 3,595  1,4455 1,1942  0,0146  0,6452
Diluted earnings per share (in €) 3,594  1,4455 1,1896  0,0145  0,6385


* Restated due to application of IFRIC Agenda Decision IAS 19